Sunday, December 29, 2019
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Thomas Hobbes And John Locke - 928 Words
As society continues to progress and shape, comes along ideas to help create a foundation to stabilize citizens. Perspectives on human nature itself and the purpose of a government must be explicated to generalize what is needed and why. To create a positive and successful political institution these values must be viewed to attain the prime government. The state of nature is the freedom of individuals in a civilization where there is no formed society, government, laws, safety, etc. both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke take this into perspective while introducing a political view. As illustrated by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engels, they proposed political views on how human nature can prosper. Initially, Thomas Hobbes introduces a concept on the state of nature and its effects as well as how peace can be achieved. In Leviathan, Hobbes defines what living in a state of nature would be like and the three causes of fights. He recognizes that without fundamentals of law humanity would be corrupted and horrible, as he established that competition, diffidence, and glory are the reasons for disturbances in nature. According to Hobbes in order to maintain peace and safety there must be a powerful central government. Either a man or an assembly of men would have absolute power over every individual. He believed in a monarchy, such as dictatorship. He believed in Commonwealth, which is a single person who withholds all the sovereign power and he may use thisShow MoreRelatedJohn Locke And Thomas Hobbes886 Words à |à 4 Pagesdiscuss the differences in political theories expressed by both John Locke and Thomas Hobbes. In, Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes, and in, The Second Treatise of G overnment, by John Locke different theories of political legitimacy and definitions of the state of nature are described. The following paragraphs analyze multiple different points that are imperative to understanding these political theories. In the reading, Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes discusses what human existence is in the state of nature andRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke911 Words à |à 4 Pagessocial contract theory, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke established many of the founding ideals that contemporary Liberalism is based on. While the shared many similar positions, there are some key distinctions to be made between the arguments Hobbes and Locke make in Leviathan and Second Treatise of Civil Government, respectively. In this paper I will argue the differences between how each of them viewed the right of the subjects to revolt from the sovereign. Thomas Hobbes published his most famousRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke Essay1441 Words à |à 6 PagesEifling-Question 4 Hobbes and Locke During and after the English Revolution, a few philosophers expressed different views on their philosophical outlook and life experiences. Some of the most outstanding thinkers include Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. They had opposing views on governance matters, but the two, also, had striking similarities. In addition, the two represented an increasingly modernized European population that despised absolute kingship. Both Hobbes and Locke proposed a conceptionRead MoreJohn Locke And Thomas Hobbes1287 Words à |à 6 Pagesknow how to balance and consider the nature of humankind and their rights. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were both political philosophers who developed theories about how the government should work. They set up their theories around The Natural Law and the Social Contract Theory. Although John Locke and Thomas Hobbes had a similar goal, their beliefs and opinions were definitely not the same. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes both believed in the Natural Law and the Social Contract Theory. They both developedRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke1346 Words à |à 6 PagesContracts Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were two English political philosophers, who have had a lasting impact on modern political science. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke both spent much of their lives attempting to identify the best form of government. Locke and Hobbes were among the most prominent of theorists when it came to social contract and human rights. A Social Contract is an agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, are the twoRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke1494 Words à |à 6 Pages1) Thomas Hobbes and John Locke share the basic assumption that a theory based off of abstract individualism, consent, sovereignty and reason will produce a peaceful and productive society. This theory is the liberal political theory, which is the philosophy of individual rights and a limited government. Both Hobbes and Locke both center the majority of their ideas off of how peopleââ¬â¢s lives should be based off of nature rights instead of natural law. This being said, people are also subject to theRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke888 Words à |à 4 Pagesare very similar but diverge in the moments that solidify their stance on their opinion. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke is both political scientist who have made strides in the area of social contracts and share being natural law theorist also. Locke and all other natural law theorists assumed that man was by nature a social animal and there fore struck contracts with each other to secure safety among them. Hobbes assumed diff erently, thus his verdicts are very different from other natural law theoristsRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke1426 Words à |à 6 PagesBy the second half of the 17th Century, England would experience one of the bloodiest conflicts in its history, ultimately serving to influence some of the most phenomenal political philosophers in Europe --Thomas Hobbes, and John Locke. England was in constant unrest, choosing new forms of government almost on a whim in desperate attempts to restore order in the Country. The English Civil War in 1642 etched a legacy of dread in the people of England, and the war only appeared more disastrous andRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke1659 Words à |à 7 Pagesmajority. The following pages show how modern social contract theory especially that of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, grew into the divisive issue it is in contemporary political philosophy. Modern social contract theory can trace its roots to prominent thinkers Thomas Hobbes and John Lock e. It is their thoughts on social contracts that lie at the center of the many spheres we are a part of. For Hobbes and Locke, social contract theory sought to analyze the relationship between rulers and the ruledRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke1361 Words à |à 6 PagesThomas Hobbes and John Locke were two English thinkers in the seventeenth-century who s ideas became a key to the Enlightenment. Baron de Montesquieu and Voltaire were philosophers who applied the methods of science to understand and improve society. Thomas Hobbes believed in a powerful government. He believed people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish, and if they were not strictly controlled they would commit crimes and abuse one another. He believed that life with no government would be
Friday, December 13, 2019
Pride of Baghdad Free Essays
Saddam Hussein: The Power is down Pride of Baghdad, drawn by Brian K. Vaughan and Niko Henrichon, tells a story of group of lions escaping from the zoo after the U. S. We will write a custom essay sample on Pride of Baghdad or any similar topic only for you Order Now army starts invading Baghdad. In order to show how cruel consequences that the war brings, the authors try to portray humans by drawing the lions, the bear, and other animals. Due to its gorgeous drawing style and its concise dialogues, the novel only has 100 pages but contains various meanings. In 2003, the Iraq war was triggered because of Husseinââ¬â¢s violent suppression on the people, who have their own political views, but also his possession of the large amount of illegal weapons. The novel not only presents the consequence of dictatorship, but also satirizes the interference of U. S. army because the public opinion says that the reason of U. S. involving the war is impure since no evidence has been found to prove that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. The main purpose of U. S. army invading is the oil resources in Iraq; however, by coincidence, Hussein is on the reign, which causes the U. S. ââ¬â¢s excuse to invade. In this book, the authors stand at Bagdadââ¬â¢s civiliansââ¬â¢ point of view to tell the story until they get shot by the U. S. army. More specifically, a fighting scene between the lions and the bear is not interpreted as the surface meaning but is created because the authors want to embody that even though the civilians overthrown the power of Hussein, the U. S. army is the one who eventually takes over their government power and causes the war. The lions and the bear both represent the civilians and Saddam Hussein. Towards almost the end of the story, referring to a specific page, a bear who shows up trying to block the lionsââ¬â¢ way to freedom says ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t get upâ⬠(where the pageââ¬â¢s background is the huge bear standing up with Noor and Safa looking up). The authors purposely creates a giant black bear when the story almost reaches the end to show the power that Hussein holds during the his presidency. By looking at the expression on the bearââ¬â¢s face, readers can clearly see the anger through its bloody eyes and sharp teeth with opening mouth. The shrewdest part of this graphic novel is its drawing style, using animals to portray humans. Throughout the idea of visual images, when readers first look at the bear, a sense of fear is emitted from its giant black body; however, the lions, comparing the size with the bear, are much weaker. The authors apply not only the visualized details, but also the literal ones in every single character. For instance, the names of the bear and the lions who is prisoned, Fajer and Rashid are both originated from Arabic language, which is also the official language in Iraq. Fajer means wicked and Rashid means rightly guided, which are opposite to each other; however, the justice canââ¬â¢t beat down the evil since Fajer already kills Rashid. According to the previous page, the authors purposely use special-effects lettering, a method of drawing attention to text of highlighting the words, on some of the words while the bear is speaking, ââ¬Å"PETâ⬠, ââ¬Å"HISâ⬠, ââ¬Å"FAJERâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"MANâ⬠(the page where the bear first shows up with only its eyes and mouth). The ââ¬Å"PETâ⬠represents the weakness of the justice under Husseinââ¬â¢s dictatorship, and oppositely, the ââ¬Å"MAN of the houseâ⬠implies the formidable power that Hussein holds. In addition, in order to describe the difference between good and evil, the authors use graphic weight to focus on the drawing of colors between the bear and lions, which are black and white. Even thought this particular page only contains one panel, it really embodies the representations between the civilians who are under suppressed and Saddam Hussein. Nonetheless, as the story reaches the end, the lions successfully kill the bear, but the U. S. army shot all of the lions. The authors are trying to indicate the idea of how the civilians play the most important role during the war. Millions of lives are lost because of the war, and most of them are innocent civilians. How to cite Pride of Baghdad, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Environmental Sustainability and Brand Story - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Environmental Sustainability and Brand Story. Answer: Introduction: Patagonia is a USA based clothing company that is planning to grow out of USA and operate in the global clothing market. The organization has first entered the UK market through independent stores; however the store is now planning to enter the UK clothing industry with their own stores. For this purpose, the organization requires to analyze the macro factors that can affect the business activities and decision making process. This analysis will also help the organization to plan its strategies according to the trends of competitive market. There are various political factors that can impact the presence of Patagonia at the present time; however it can also affect the sustainability of the company in the near future. There are major political reasons that can influence the organization such as the tax rate that has been levied by the UK government (Hepburn 2013). The tax rates have the capability of affecting the bottom line of the organization, not only considering the corporation, but also the capability of the consumers for spending much for their clothing necessities. However it should also be noted that there are few geopolitical factors that has impacted the fashion industry in UK in a positive way, even though the uncertainties still prevail. As stated by Long and Fain (2015) terrorism, geopolitical instability, stalled trade deals, terrorism tend to increase the invasive sense of uncertainty within the international economy. Other than terrorism, there are various kinds of political tensions that have kept affec ting the business in UK, therefore raise the uncertainty level for the fashion industry (Puustinen 2016). The continuous political shifts in UK and USA have impacted the situation of fashion industry. The interest rates have also stated staying at a low pace for the last few years. However, this factor can be beneficial for the company as they can be capable of borrowing huge amount of money for capital expansions within a lower rate that the past. These borrowings can be effective in place of long term borrowing and at the same time, the organization may also face issues for choosing corporate bonds. Current economic environment of UK can have a severe impact on the business of Patagonia in UK market. Since the business makes premium differentiated strategy, it can be seen the overall economic situation has the capability of impacting the future of the company to a great degree than operating in the budget and necessity sector in the global market. Considering the statistical perspective, it has been seen that there is a continuous financial rollercoaster in the UK market (Myers 2017). After the onset of the international economic crisis in the year 2007, the GDP growth had reverted to negative figures in the economy. The following years had given worse performances. However, the situation started recovering from 2011, however the statistics still show that the economic condition of UK has not been stable yet and it has continued becoming a flat line (Bocken et al. 2014). In addition to that, the low employment rate and disposable income for the households can be an alarming patt ern for the business activities of Patagonia. For the last ten years, there are several social changes that have taken place in UK. These changes have indicated that the millennial is the primary target for the fashion industry; therefore the organizations have to keep in mind that the choices of this generation are a lot different than the previous ones. There have been huge changes in the at the socio-cultural level which have made the millennial generation do not just go for convenient shopping habits, but they also go for good quality products and low prices (Shih and Agrafiotis 2015). With the demographic changes, the organizations in fashion industry are facing new challenges. Therefore they have to realize the push and the rapid rise of fast fashion. The taste of fashion has changed; therefore the organizations should have aligned their productions with that. Since Patagonia has been operating in the UK market for quite some time, they may have some idea of the UK market trends, therefore this can be a positive side for t heir business (Johnson 2016). For developing the fashion retail within UK market, technology plays a significant factor. With the improvements of internet, IT, globalizations and the maximized usage of mobile devices are now changing the customer choices and marketing and sales. The customers are now well read and make their choices after doing proper researches regarding the brand and material (Bocken and Short 2016). They also share their views on social media sites. In addition to that, the millennial generation also shops online, therefore Patagonia also need an online website for providing sufficient customer service. Technology has also helped the organizations in expanding their business overseas like it did in this case (Payne 2014). Therefore the e-commerce has helped them to go beyond the national borders and interact with huge consumer segment. Both the sustainability and environment are significant factors for the fashion industry. The organization requires being more careful for their carbon footprint which will make them more environment-friendly. Patagonia should use raw materials, manufacturing and packaging that are environment friendly. As stated by Bocken et al. (2014) prioritizing sustainable fashion would help the organization to work on their transformation in manufacturing as well. It has also been seen that more than sixty five percent of the customers are now opting for sustainable fashion products. The sustainability factor has also become a major influencer for the purchasing decision of the customers. Therefore the organization has to work on their sustainability goals and achieve them for attracting more customers. There are few legal and ethical challenges for the fashion industry. These are the major focus areas for the organization and Patagonia has to work on that. As this organization will also act as a large employer, therefore the labor laws along with the other common laws will be applicable for the business activities (Ward 2017). In the recent times, the environmental laws have developed which should be taken care of. The other laws related to global trade should also be taken care of as the transparent and ethical image of the brand can be beneficial for the success of the business. Opportunities and threats for entering UK market: The brand offers several kinds of products that can attract a huge customer base in UK. As the brand only targets the customer base consisting of outdoor activists and upper middle class customers, there is a higher chance of brand loyalty amongst them (Puustinen 2016). In addition to that, the durable products create more opportunities for the brand in UK market. The brand can also increase their brand exposure through rigorous marketing and advertizing. Through improving their presence on the social media, Patagonia can improve their exposure on the campaigns (Song and Lewis 2013). After entering the UK market, the brand can also increase the product line which will help them to enter the new outdoor market easily. There are other outdoor clothing brands in the market that can act as a huge threat for the business activities of Patagonia. These companies are often with more reasonably priced merchandise, therefore there are higher chances of market saturation. The ongoing financial uncertain situation in UK can also be a budding threat for the company (Petrie 2016). Along with that the adverse situations in the manufacturing countries and the provider of raw material can also be a huge threat for the business of this brand. Critical discussion of Patagonias resources and competencies There are several kinds of resources for a company such as tangible resources and intangible resources. Within the tangible resources, there are two subdivisions: financial resources and physical resources. The financial resources refer to the borrowing capacity of the company, in hand cash and the generated cash, whereas the physical resources refer to building, raw material, machinery, retail outlets, real estate, warehouses, inventory etc. The intangible resources include the human capital, technology and relational resources (Ward 2017). The human resources are the most significant intangible resource of a company. This section will discuss the physical, financial and human resource of Patagonia. The organization sells the outdoor clothing which is marketed as the sustainable products. Patagonia also commits 1% of their entire sales or 10% from their profit for the environmental purposes. The organization has been founded in the year 1973 and since then the organization has made its way through the global sustainable companies ( 2017). Other than North America, the organization has its presence in Japan and UK; however in UK the organization operates through 24 independent stores. There are 68 shops all around the world such as Spain, San Sebastian, Dublin, Milan, and Munich ( 2017). Patagonia has the global turnover of $600m every year. Considering the global environmental crisis, the organization donates 1p of its annual gross revenues to the welfare of the environmental crisis, which was around $6m in the last financial year ( 2017). The employees of Patagonia are quite passionate regarding their products; mostly they themselves use these products and try to provide more input as the users. The organizational culture in Patagonia has been successful in attracting and retaining employees who have the flexibility and tend to focus more on balancing work and life. The employees play a major role in their success (Pal 2017). The balancing between work and life has also played a major role in retaining the talents in both the offices and stores which have resulted in having lower employee turnover rates in the company. The core competency of the company is the concept of being environmentally sustainable. The company has taken various initiatives for sustainability. One of the most effective ideas was the initiative of encouraging the consumers to send back their old garments to others who cannot buy those ( 2017). The company has also taken the mission of building the best products without doing any unnecessary harm and utilizes the businesses for inspiring solutions to the ongoing environmental crisis. Patagonia is the benefit corporation in North America which has codified the commitment to the nature and the community in a larger way. in the year 1996, the organization was labeled to be the first clothing organization which has launched clothes made of pesticide free and organic cotton. Critical evaluation of Patagonias current mission statement The mission statement of Patagonia is to Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis. The vision of the organization is to Learn more about our reason for being, the struggle to become a responsible company and how our business affects global environmental issues like global warming ( 2017). The organization has developed from a very small organization which was making apparatus for the climbers. This factor has remained the at the heart of the global business activity as the organization still makes clothes for different outdoor games such as climbing, snowboarding, skiing etc. The values, vision and mission statement of the organization reflects this very idea and specifically through the minimalist style that they are promoting. The product design approach also exhibits the concepts of utility and simplicity mentioned in their mission statement ( 2017). The vision and mission statement of the company also reflects that the organization is working towards decreasing or creating no harms to the environment. As a clothing brand, the business activities of the organization include dyeing shirts, lighting store and several others which may be harmful towards the environment as it may create pollution in the process. Therefore, the organization also works towar ds reducing these harmful chemicals and recycles the polyester that is being used in the clothing materials and provides organic cotton that is without any kind of pesticides. It has also been found that the organizational activities are aligned with the core values and stay true to them. Not only that, the organization has also donated 1% of the annual sales of the company for environmental charities for more than thirty years. In the year 2013, Patagonia has also made an announcement for donating $20 million as a new initiative for starting up and developing more innovative solutions for important sustainability issues ( 2017). Patagonia has also taken initiative for Sustainable Apparel Coalition with the aim of producing no environmental harms and having more positive impact on the community and people around and associating the communities with the activities. Other than this, the company has taken numbers of initiatives with the aim of creating a sustainable future. The organization also has a sustainability department. This indicates to the commitment to the environment and corporate social responsibility ( 2017). Therefore it can be said that the vision and mission statement of the organization require no such changes in these as the organizational activities are already linked and aligned with these statements. SWOT analysis of Patagonia and recommendation The sustainable organizational activities are the major strengths of the company. Patagonia has the media presence in various kinds of media. With the media campaign and the advertising, the organization has already made a difference in making sustainable products. Therefore the customers tend to get attracted to their products easily. With their media campaigns for buying sustainable products, Patagonia has stood differently amongst the other companies and created a competitive advantage with their positive brand image (Bosco 2017). Therefore, organization should create a sentimental appeal to the customer base with their attractive merchandise and durable products. The company should plan rigorous media campaigns so that more customers in UK can be attracted to the brand. One of the major weaknesses of the organization is that the products are quite expensive; therefore the customer base is limited. Also, the organization is mostly focused on restricted outdoor activities. According to Wintrob (2016) the close and limited gear and limited advertizing can affect the brand image. The low employee turnover and less fashionable products as compared to the competitors of the brand are also major weaknesses of the brand. Therefore, Patagonia can come up with a product line that is not much expensive. With this product line, they can target the more customers who may have not opted for the brand before. Along with that, the brand should incorporate more innovation in their product line as well. The brand offers several kinds of products that can attract a huge customer base in UK. As the brand only targets the customer base consisting of outdoor activists and upper middle class customers, there is a higher chance of brand loyalty amongst them (McCoy 2016). In addition to that, the durable products create more opportunities for the brand in UK market. The brand can also increase their brand exposure through rigorous marketing and advertizing. Through improving their presence on the social media, Patagonia can improve their exposure on the campaigns (Puustinen 2016). After entering the UK market, the brand can also increase the product line which will help them to enter the new outdoor market easily. There are other outdoor clothing brands in the market that can act as a huge threat for the business activities of Patagonia. These companies are often with more reasonably priced merchandise, therefore there are more chances of market saturation. The ongoing financial uncertain situation can also be a budding threat for the company (Petrie 2016). Along with that the adverse situations in the manufacturing countries and the provider of raw material can also be a huge threat for the business of this brand. Therefore coming up with a reasonably priced product line can be helpful for the brand. Reference list Bocken, N.M.P. and Short, S.W., 2016. Towards a sufficiency-driven business model: Experiences and opportunities.Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions,18, pp.41-61. Bocken, N.M.P., Short, S.W., Rana, P. and Evans, S., 2014. A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, pp.42-56. Bosco, M.C., 2017. From Yosemite to a Global Market: How Patagonia, Inc. has Created an Environmentally Sustainable and Socially Equitable Model of Supply-Chain Management. Hepburn, S.J., 2013. In patagonia (clothing): A complicated greenness.Fashion Theory,17(5), pp.623-645. Johnson, S., 2016. Can We All Be a Hero? Differentiating Your Brand's Archetype. Labrague, M., 2017. Patagonia, A Case Study in the Historical Development of Slow Thinking.Journal of Design History,30(2), pp.175-191. Long, M.M. and Fain, D., 2015. The Clothing Swap: Social, Sustainable, and Sacred. McCoy, M., 2016. Bolt Threads joins with Patagonia. Myers, T., 2017. The Environmental Tradeoffs of Removing Snake River Dams.Idaho L. Rev.,53, p.209.s Pal, R., 2017. Sustainable Design and Business Models in Textile and Fashion Industry. InSustainability in the Textile Industry(pp. 109-138). Springer Singapore. (2017). [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Nov. 2017]. Payne, A., 2014. Spinning a sustainable yarn: environmental sustainability and brand story in the Australian fashion industry.International Journal of Fashion Studies,1(2), pp.185-208. Petrie, K., 2016.Patagonia Inc.s Sustainable Supply Chain Initiatives and Their Contribution to Company Brand(Doctoral dissertation). Puustinen, M., 2016. Visual Communication on Instagram-a Case Study of Outdoor Clothing Companies Narrative Representations. Shih, W.Y.C. and Agrafiotis, K., 2015. 2 Sustainability in Clothing.Handbook of Sustainable Apparel Production, p.39. Simmelink, J.C., 2017. Sustainability in Fashion Advertisements: Decoding the" Green" Image. Song, H.K. and Lewis, V.D., 2013. Development of a system for sustainable fashion from recycled clothes-Based on US fashion brands.The Research Journal of the Costume Culture,21(1), pp.139-150.s Ward, R.A., 2017. Sustainable Fashion: Breaking the Myth. Wintrob, M., 2016. Brand Building for the New Millennium.Design Management Review,27(2), pp.36-42.
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